Friday, May 17, 2013

Buying a used sewing machine. . .

If you're in the market for a sewing machine, there's something to be said for buying a used one.  Mostly that it's cheaper than a new one!

And refurbished machines can be just as good.

I was reading about buying a used Bernina sewing machine on this page.  It has all kinds of information to help you choose the right sewing machine.  It even has coupons.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

cinnamon chips... yum!

Want to have a special treat?  Try some cinnamon chips!

But did you know there are more than one kind of cinnamon chips?

You can use cinnamon chips for baking, a different kind for infusing cinammon flavor in liquids, and there are even cinnamon chips that are snacks!

Want to learn more? Check out THIS PAGE that tells you all kinds of stuff about the different kinds of cinnamon chips.  Yum-o!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Make your garden grow vertically

If you're short on space, one way to have more growing room is to expand vertically.

There are great vertical garden kits that you can use both inside or outside, and have a multi-storied planting area.

Some of them are free standing, and others are meant to hang on walls.  You can grow all kinds of thing in a vertical garden.  They're really  neat.

For more information on vertical gardens, check out this page.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ever heard a dulcimer?

The dulcimer is an old-fashioned instrument, with a very distinctive sound.

There are two main types of dulcimer, the mountain dulcimer, also called the Appalachian dulcimer, and the bowed dulcimer.

The mountain dulcimer usually has 3 or 4 strings, and sits on your lap.  It is played by plucking.

You see these a lot at bluegrass festivals.

The bowed dulcimer has an even more distinctive sound.  Very other worldly.  As indicated by the name, it's played by a bow.  Some people use a single bow, and others use two.

Read more about dulcimers by visiting this page.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Geeky tea infusers

I'm a geek.  I admit it.

So when I drink tea, I like to have some really cool tea infusers, something that speaks to my inner geekness.

Sci-fi kind of tea infusers are good for my geekness.  I look for spaceships, Star Trek or Star Wars stuff, fantasy, anything along those lines.

For instance, here's a cute little robot tea infuser. . .

Pretty cute, huh?

His long arms allow you to hang him from the rim of your tea cup, so he can infuse your hot water with some lovely tea.

Check out more tea infusers for geeks HERE.